Probate Tips for Getting Through the Process Faster and with Less Hassle
Probate lawyers are well aware of the hassles and headaches
that families face when a loved one’s estate goes into probate. Not only might a family have struggled to
make ends meet due to the inability to afford long-term care insurance, but the
process can drag out, eating up not just time but also resources that would
have otherwise gone to beneficiaries.
Appointed executors find themselves with burdensome responsibilities
that can compound their grief. In order
to navigate the process as quickly and smoothly as possible, probate lawyers
recommend you keep the following in mind:
Probate Tip #1: Hire an Experienced Probate Attorney
It may be tempting to navigate probate alone,
but a good probate lawyer
will be able to make the entire process more efficient. The attorney’s expertise will guide you
steadily in the right direction and keep you on track for closing probate as
quickly as possible.Probate Tip #2: Notify Creditors Quickly
Part of the probate process is making creditors aware of the
death. As long as the probate is open,
creditors can come looking for payment, which can significantly slow down
process. Instead, it is better to get
everything lined up as quickly as possible to be able to move on to the next
Probate Tip #3: Get an Appraised Inventory
As the executor works with the estate, he or she should be
creating an inventory of its assets and getting appraisals when appropriate,
whether on personal effects, real estate, or other assets. The courts may need to be involved with the
process, so discuss it with your probate lawyer.
Probate Tip #4: Don’t Miss Deadlines
There are specific deadlines set for when documents need to
be filed. Missing these deadlines will
lead to the need for more court appearances (i.e. time, hassle and more money),
as well as keeping probate open—and the estate vulnerable—for that much longer.
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